Law of Victory: Leaders Communicate Until They See Results
Isaiah 55:1–11
Isaiah 55 offers the words of a great communicator. In this passage God invites everyone to participate in His offer to quench their thirst. He tries to convince His hearers that He alone can fulfill their desires and permanently meet their needs. Then He beckons them to seek Him while He may be found.
Verses 10–12 contain a marvelous promise. God says that just as the rain and snow fall from the sky and do not return without watering the earth, so His Word will also accomplish the goals He sets for it. God’s Word will bear fruit. From these three simple verses, note how God evaluates good communication:
1. His Word will get results (v. 10).
2. His Word will furnish tools and resources (v. 10).
3. His Word will meet needs (v. 10).
4. His Word will perform His will (v. 11).
5. His Word will satisfy the soul of the hearers (v. 12).
How about you? Can you, as a leader, make those claims? How do you evaluate your communication? What fruit does your communication produce?
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NKJV Maxwell Leadership Bible
Copyright © 2002, 2007, 2018 by Maxwell Motivation, Inc.
Communicating Vision: Jesus Defined a Mission Larger Than Life
Matthew 13:3–58
Matthew 13 contains some of Jesus’ simplest but most profound parables in the Bible. Jesus is a Master at communicating vision. His simple stories illustrate the kingdom of heaven. Jesus teaches us some fundamentals about communicating a vision:
1. Simplify the message (vv. 3, 10–13). Make it clear, repeat it often, focus on the familiar.
2. See the person (vv. 1, 2, 9). Know the audience and its needs; don’t try to impress.
3. Seize the moment (vv. 2, 14–17). Recognize teachable moments and receptivity.
4. Show the truth (v. 54). Be sure your life lends credibility to your words.
5. See the response (v. 51). Evaluate to ensure the audience understands and can respond to you.