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Convictions: Turning Defeat into Dividends
Jeremiah 20:1–18
Every leader experiences both good and bad days. Even God’s greatest leaders become discouraged. Jeremiah 20 allows us to see into the heart of a great leader. Jeremiah complains to God in the first ten verses. He praises God for his victories in the next four verses. And in the next five verses he curses the day he was born.
The key question on your bad day is: Are you going to give up or get up? And how can you get up?
  1. Rise above self-pity. Failure is an attitude, not just an outcome.
  2. Think positively. Success comes by going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.
  3. Learn from your experiences. Failure isn’t failure unless you learn nothing from it.
  4. Seek alternatives. All successful leaders vary their approaches.
  5. Develop a sense of humor. Laughter is the shortest distance between two people and the fastest way to get perspective.
  6. Be realistic. The first job of the leader is to define reality.
  7. Establish new goals. Failure is an opportunity to begin again, but more intelligently.
  8. Develop a passion. Your own resolution to succeed counts for more than anything else.
  9. Broaden your base of support. No single venture should support your entire emotional life.
  10. Separate your self-worth from your performance. A positive self-image prepares you for success.
The Law of Empowerment: God Changes Us from the Inside Out
Romans 5:12–21
God’s leadership is transformational. Paul carefully compares and contrasts Adam’s work with Christ’s and shows the fundamental changes God makes in us. He radically and permanently changes His people from the inside out.
God never demands conduct that He doesn’t first empower His followers to achieve. Romans provides a virtual survey of New Testament theology and of God’s empowering leadership:
  1. He liberates.
    • ​He frees us from the chains, stains, and pains of the past.
  2. He elevates.
    • ​He embraces us and lifts us up to reign with Him.
  3. He educates.
    • ​He gives us wise counsel and future direction.
  4. He compensates.​
    • ​He fills areas where we are weak or lack competence.
  5. He motivates.
    • ​He is our source of vision, hope, and purpose.
  6. He regenerates.
    • ​He transforms us to live on a higher level by His supernatural resources.
  7. He activates.
    • ​He commissions us to obey and move forward in His cause.
Mentoring: Jesus Prepares Leaders for the Future
Matthew 10:16–33
Jesus not only sends out His twelve disciples to serve, but He reminds them that He intends to reproduce His own leadership in them. As part of the preparation process, He instructs them on what is coming:
  1. He challenges them to be wise but innocent (v. 16).
  2. He warns them about future hardships (vv. 1718).
  3. He instructs them on how to handle these hardships (vv. 1920).
  4. He predicts their personal anguish (vv. 2122).
  5. He gives them hope and assurance of ultimate victory (v. 23).
Jesus also clarifies the meaning of discipleship. He continues to prepare His men for any contingency. From the perspective of an equipper, consider what Jesus teaches trainers and trainees about leadership development:
  1. Trainees should submit to the authority of the trainer (v. 24).
  2. Trainees must recognize that trainers can reproduce only what they are (v. 25).
  3. Trainees are to emulate their master (v. 25).
  4. Trainees must trust God to care for their needs (vv. 26–31).
  5. Trainees are to be loyal (vv. 3233).
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