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We welcome your reflective responses as you read and ponder the lessons, homilies, and resources on this leadership and community development website.

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Sunday Mass Preparation: January 7 The Epiphany of the Lord

Updated: Jan 8


Matthew 2:1-12

The Wisemen from the East followed the star to Bethlehem where a new king would be born. They found Jesus.

CHILDREN: Read the featured Story: Jesus' Birth Was Special in the Catholic's Children Bible: pages 1448-1449 in English and pages 1414-1415 in Spanish. Ponder the Understand it and Live it sections. Joyfully share the story with someone as soon as possible!!!

Children's Video.

Online Mass

Coloring page:

Lectio Divina for Epiphany: Older Children and Adults


Pope Francis encourages us to demonstrate how today's Gospel makes us be like the wisemen who seek Jesus to worship him:

“ Adoration is a gesture of love that changes lives. It is acting like the Magi: it is bringing gold to the Lord, to tell Him that nothing is more precious than Him; It is to offer him incense, to tell him that only with Him can our lives rise; It is to present myrrh, with which the broken wounded bodies were anointed, to ask Jesus to help our neighbor who is marginalized and suffering, because He is there.

Happy New Year, let us be a guiding star, let us be a living Gospel!


Questions to Guide your note taking. BE SURE TO HAVE the DEACON sign your notes. Be sure to DATE your notes.

  1. What color vestment is the priest wearing?

  2. What does the color represent?

  3. What was the Gospel Reading?

  4. What word or words seemed important to you?

  5. What did you notice during the MASS?

  6. What is a blessing you received as you honored God by attending and actively participating in Mass?

DRAW what comes to your mind or heart:

Other Mass Preparation Posts:


God's announcement to Mary that she had been chosen to be the Mother of the Son of God

Mass Preparation

Sunday, December 24, 2023

VERSE of the Month: Luke 1:38

"Mary said, "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word."

Read Featured Story: Luke 1:30-38: Pages 1574-1575 in the Catholic Children's Bible.

Mass Preparation

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Practice finding and reading the Gospel Story in your BIBLE: Matthew 25: 1-13. Practica encontrar y leer Mateo 25:1-13 en tu BIBLIA


Look at the icon or sacred art above. In early times, icons were used to teach us the right way to live in His Image.

See the resurrected Jesus with the five wise virgins with lighted lamps behind the closed doors.

Notice that they are in a garden….This is the NEW city and garden that God created like the very first one for Adam and Eve.

Jesus is the NEW light burning in the dark of this world.

Jesus and the wise virgins are looking at the five foolish virgins without lamps. They are looking sadly with God’s Love at the foolish virgins who are not able to come to God’s wedding feast.

Notice that the foolish virgins look exactly like wise virgins. The only difference is that they were out buying oil when Jesus returned to bring them into his garden to enjoy his feast for them forever!!! They were NOT ready for Jesus when he returned for them.

Jesus tells us the important lesson of this story: “Watch, for you do not know the day or hour” (when Jesus will return for you!).

Those who were ready went into the wedding feast

with Jesus.


How do I prepare to celebrate the

Eucharistic banquet with Jesus every Sunday?

How can I continue to grow

closer to Jesus in the Eucharist?

After a period of silent reflection and/or discussion,

all recite the Lord’s Prayer


Mire el ícono o arte sacro de arriba. En los primeros tiempos, los íconos se usaban para enseñarnos la manera correcta de vivir a Su Imagen.

Vea a Jesús resucitado con las cinco vírgenes prudentes con lámparas encendidas detrás de las puertas cerradas.

Note que están en un jardín... Esta es la NUEVA ciudad y jardín que Dios creó como el primero para Adán y Eva.


Jesús es la NUEVA luz que arde en la oscuridad de este mundo.

Jesús y las vírgenes prudentes miran a las cinco vírgenes insensatas sin lámparas. Están mirando tristemente con el Amor de Dios a las vírgenes insensatas que no pueden venir al banquete de bodas de Dios.

Observe que las vírgenes insensatas se parecen exactamente a las vírgenes prudentes. ¡¡¡La única diferencia es que estaban comprando aceite cuando Jesús regresó para llevarlos a su jardín para disfrutar de su banquete para siempre!!! NO estaban listos para Jesús cuando regresó por ellos.

Jesús nos dice la lección importante de esta historia: “Mirad, porque no sabéis el día ni la hora” (¡cuándo Jesús regresará por vosotros!)


¿Cómo me preparo para celebrar el

¿Banquete eucarístico con Jesús cada domingo?

¿Cómo puedo seguir creciendo?

¿Más cerca de Jesús en la Eucaristía?

Después de un período de reflexión y/o discusión silenciosa,

todos recitan el Padrenuestro

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