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We welcome your reflective responses as you read and ponder the lessons, homilies, and resources on this leadership and community development website.

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Week #1: Monday, June 22 through Saturday, June 27 Our BLESSED Summer Adventure

Writer's picture: NCOINCOI


This week we REVIEW Session #1 YOU ARE BLESSED as a family! (Pages 1-29)

1. Read the prayer on page 1 of your BLESSED workbook EVERY DAY together.

2. In your Prayer Journal: draw or write out a blessing from God EVERY DAY.

3. Watch Session 1 videos: Episodes 1-6

4. Read and Ponder Luke 17:11-19 in your Bible (see page 17 in your BLESSED workbook.

5. Write or draw what God taught you about gratitude in your prayer journal

6. Review pages 4-23, a few pages every day (for your daily reading time)

7. Complete pages 24-25 in your workbook (Check your answers)

8. Find and highlight the right answer in pages 4-23.

9. Journal with Jesus with the prompt: I am so blessed because………in your Prayer Journal

10. Read and Ponder the Closing Prayer.

BONUS BLESSED POINTS: 1 point for each question and answer read and discussed with your parents and/or a Catechist.

Read questions and answers #1-15in the LITTLE CATECHISM on pages 206-237,

Especially this week: #150 How often should we pray?

KEEP TRACK of your BLESSED POINTS each week: Total possible: 10 plus Bonus Points . 1 Point for each item: #1-10 above.

You will share your progress, blessings, and questions with your Catechist each week by phone or ZOOM when they call you!

WE WILL CELEBRATE how much you are learning and growing in your unique and blessed relationship with God at the END of SIX WEEKS!!!

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