Saint Mary Magdalene
Feast Day of SAINT MARY MAGDALENE: July 22
Mary Magdalene’s story is told in all four gospels of the New Testament. She became a faithful follower of Jesus after he delivered her from seven evil spirits. She saw Jesus as he died on the cross and helped to prepare his body to be buried.
Jesus gave Mary Magdalene the blessing to be the first person to see and talk with him after his resurrection from the dead. The resurrected Jesus told Mary Magdalene to go to the followers of the Son of God: “Go to those who believe in me. Tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’ ”
We remember Mary Magdalene on July 22 as a saint or holy role model for us. She showed her gratitude to Jesus for her healing by serving him with all her heart and soul. Some call her the apostle of apostles. Jesus taught the apostles who God was by what they saw Him do on earth in the flesh. He sent them out to share God’s transforming love with others by the way they lived their everyday lives.
CHALLENGE: Ask our Almighty God: Following St. Mary Magdalene’s example, how can I show you my gratitude for all your blessings in my life? Who can I share your love and kindness with today?
Explanation of the Icon: Icons are a window to see God. Mary Magdalene holds a red egg that stands for the new life God gives us through Jesus’ death, resurrection and ascension. The jar represents the special myrrh oil she brought to anoint Jesus’ body.
FROM THE BIBLE: Luke 8:1-3; John 20:11-18; Mark 16:9; Matthew 28:1