JUNE 20, 2020
North County
Outreach Initiative

Children Learn to Pray for Others
Greetings Family and Friends!
This has been a very exciting week! We have been prayerfully preparing a summer backpack for each Catechesis Family to enjoy! These will be delivered starting Monday, June 21.
We are sending home each child’s study resources: An Illustrated Study Bible, a Prayer Journal, and their BLESSED Catechesis Manuals to finish this year’s lessons on prayer and reconciliation with us online at our website.
Enjoy the Blessed theme song:https://www.northcountyoutreach.org/copy-of-family-catechesis-music-pla
There will be other special treats and surprises too!
Please pray for healing for Father Bausch. He has not been feeling well these past few weeks and we are encouraging him to rest and recover.
Please continue to read our Lectionary Study Guides and notes that we post each week on our website:
English: https://www.northcountyoutreach.org/post/lectionary-study-guide-for-sunday-june-21-2020
Espanol: https://www.northcountyoutreach.org/post/leccionario-guía-de-estudio-para-el-domingo-junio-21-2020
Take some quiet time to ask God how you can live out what you are learning from His WORD every day. God’s transforming LOVE will help you grow from the inside out to be the-BEST-VERSION-of yourself as He created you to be.
We hope you will join us in Spiritual Communion as a community until we can meet as ONE family!
English: https://www.northcountyoutreach.org/post/spiritual-communion
Espanol: https://www.northcountyoutreach.org/post/comunión-espiritual