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“Growing healthy leaders and community, one family at a time.” - SESSION #2B

Writer's picture: NCOINCOI


“Growing healthy leaders and community, one family at a time.”



PART B: Pages 66-77

Welcome to our exciting BLESSED journey to learn and grow in CHARACTER through God’s grace (help) to become the-best-version-of ourselves in every moment of every day! We are on Session 4 of 12. These 12 sessions will help us grow in our faith, trust, and obedience to our living God from the inside out by:

1. listening and praying with God every day, 2. reading and pondering God’s WORD from the BIBLE 3. preparing our whole heart for the MASS also called HOLY COMMUNION or the

Eucharist 4. sharing our faith and trust in God with others in how we live our everyday lives.

Session 2 will help us understand that

  • Taking part in HOLY COMMUNION is a way of showing our LOVE, GRATITUDE and RESPECT for GOD

  • Spending time with God fills us with more grace (help from God) that we need to live HOLY lives

  • GOD SPEAKS TO US continuously……We can hear him if we take time to LISTEN and OBEY what He says. He speaks to us through the Bible, Catechesis lessons, the saints around us, in our prayer time and more.

Get yourself settled in a quiet place without distractions. Take a moment to quiet yourself so you can hear and receive what God is offering you today in this Session!!!

LISTEN to “BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD” from the Family Catechesis Playlist

click on Family Catechesis Playlist

Play: Be Still and Know that I am God

1. Always begin with the BLESSED PRAYER page 53 (in your workbook)

a. Make the sign of the cross: In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, AMEN

b. Read the BLESSED PRAYER slowly and ponder each word.

2. PRAYER JOURNAL: Write down notes and draw pictures to remember what you hear.

a. Talk to God using the Prayer Process: before or after the lesson!!!

1. Gratitude:

Thank God for your blessings and God Moments: Keep reviewing and adding

your Gratitude list.

2. Awareness:

Think about yesterday. Talk to God about the times your were and were NOT

the best-version of yourself, your high points and low points.

3. Listening: God speaks to us through the words in the Bible and in this lesson.

What is God saying to you today when you ask: What do you think I should do


4. Peace:

Ask God to forgive you for anything you have done wrong and to fill your heart

with peace.

5. Change and grow

Talk to God about some way he is inviting you to change and grow.

6. PRAY for the other people in your life by asking God to guide them and watch

over them.

7. Pray the Our Father

Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your NAME.

your kingdom come,

your will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

b. BEFORE you start this lesson or any lesson….Ask God:

1. Please show me one way in this lesson that I can become a better version of


2. Write down what you learned from God by the end of the lesson in your prayer

journal or Mass Journal

3. VIDEOS: Watch Session 2 videos: Episodes 5-7

4. READ about Episodes 5-7 in Session 2. Choose the artwork you like best!

a. Episode 5: From the Bible: The Road to Emmaus (pages 66-69)

b. Episode 6 So Many Wonders (pages 70-71)

c. Episode 7 Closing Prayer: SEEK GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART!!! (page 76)

5. BIBLE: READING GOD’S WORD the most important book you will ever read

a. In your BLESSED FIRST COMMUNION workbook: Review pages 70-71

b. IN YOUR BIBLE: Luke 24:13-35

1. Find where LUKE starts: Table of CONTENTS under NEW TESTAMENT

2. Look for Chapter 24 (Big NUMBER) at the top left .

3. Read ON THE ROAD TO EMMAUS verses 13 through 35 in Chapter 24

4. Ponder verse 30-31. “He joined them at the table. Then he took bread and gave

thanks. He broke it and began to give it to them. Their eyes were opened, and

they recognized (Jesus).”


a. What did you like about this story from your Bible?

b. What did you find hard to understand?

c. God opened the EYES (meaning minds and hearts) of his followers. Remember this

each time you receive Christ’s BODY in the MASS. We pray that you will always see

and receive Jesus fully in your whole heart and soul.


a. Complete pages 72 and 73 in your BLESSED workbook.

b. Be sure to CHANGE the FALSE answers as in #2 and #4 in the True/False Section.

c. Look up the answers in the online Leader’s Guide:

Page 49/133

8. CLOSING PRAYER: Practice saying the first few verses of the OUR FATHER every day!

Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your Name.

Your kingdom come,

your will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread. AMEN


a. Family Catechesis Playlist (click)

b. Blessed Music Playlist (click)

My Little Catechism See pages 193-225

Review #1-30; Read Questions and Answers and Discuss as a Family # 45-60

WE WILL CELEBRATE how much you are learning and growing in your unique and blessed relationship with God every time we ZOOM together!!

EVERY SATURDAY @ 11:00 AM through November 7!

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