“Growing healthy leaders and community, one family at a time.”
1. Attend Family Catechesis ZOOM session: Saturday, October 17, 2020 @ 11:00 AM
2. BAPTISM for children preparing for Reconciliation and First Communion Family by Family) Sunday, October 25: 2:00-5:00PM
ADDRESS: 3227 Roberta Lane, Oceanside, CA 92054
Completed application due by Thursday , October 15.
(We will plan for special Baptism dates and times for other children and families in the future AFTER November 7.)
3. RECONCILIATION for ALL baptized children: Saturday, October 31: 2:00-3:00 at Saint Francis (in front of the office) to be eligible for First Communion on Saturday November 7.
4. FIRST COMMUNION on Saturday, November 7: 9:30 AM at Saint Francis, for ALL baptized children who have attended Reconciliation. Completed applications with a copy of BAPTISMAL certificate due by Thursday October 15 to Ms. Sue Bentley: e-mailed to or hard copies mailed or dropped off at 656 Bel Air Drive W, Vista, CA 92084 in the black box by the door.
1. FIRST COMMUNION will be held OUTSIDE limited to only immediate families: ALL WITH FACE COVERINGS.
2. God Parents or Sponsors are not required for FIRST COMMUNION because of limited space at Saint Francis.
3. DRESS CODE: GIRLS: white dress below the knees, NO gloves; BOYS: tennis shoes, long pants, long sleeve dress shirt and tie, any color.
4. THERE IS NO CHARGE for First Communion. Saint Francis is graciously receiving our North County Outreach Catechesis children as a Good Samaritan GIFT to us.
5. You do not need to be a member of Saint Francis to receive First Communion on November 7.
6. Families are encouraged to continue as members of our North County Outreach Initiative’s HOLY FAMILY community to receive academic support through CSUSM tutors, compassionate care and continuing faith formation toward CONFIRMATION.
7. Our North County Outreach HOLY FAMILY will support Maryland Elementary as a missional community serving others throughout the year: kindergarten family literacy initiative, reading with younger children, helping with schoolwide events and more.
8. We welcome our current FAMILIES to serve as leaders/catechists for younger siblings and new families.
9. PLEASE CONTACT: Ms Angeles @ 760.458.7182; Ms. Catalina @ 760.936.7955 or Ms. Sue @760.445.4049 with questions.
10. We have been blessed to serve your children and family as they learn and grow to be all God created them to be!
You are ready to say YES to GOD’s WILL for your life and RECEIVE YOUR FIRST COMMUNION.
You are ready to REACH OUT and support OTHER children and families with God’s LOVE.
2. Let’s take a moment to quiet ourselves so we can receive all that God offers us in this session. This is what you will always do before the MASS begins!
3. Let’s begin with the BLESSED PRAYER page 165 (in your workbook)
4. How to prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation (CONFESSION)
STEP #1 Practice the Prayer Process DAILY between now and October 31!
1. Thank God for the blessings in your life.
Think about yesterday and the times you were and were not the best version of yourself.
3. Ask God to forgive you for anything that kept you from being the best version of yourself and to fill your heart with peace.
Do I thank God for all his blessings every day?
Do I take time to pray with God every day?
Do I choose what God would want for me before everything else?
Do I treat others with love and kindness?
Do I listen and obey my parents?
Do I always ask for God’s grace (help) and try my best at school?
Do I read at home every day?
Do I tell the truth from my heart?
Do I ask God: What do YOU think I should do first?
Do I attend Mass often with my family to receive Jesus?
4. How does God want you to change and grow?
Ask for his grace (help) and courage to change and grow.
5. Pray (with God’s LOVE) for your family and others
6. Pray the Our Father.
STEP #2: Practice CONFESSION with a humble heart
1. Be prepared to share one or more of the ways you were not the best version of yourself with the Priest. He will have you pray a prayer of CONTRITION like this one:
I confess to Almighty God, to his Church, and to you, that I have sinned by my own fault in thought, word, and deed, in things done and left undone; especially __________. For these and all other sins that I cannot now remember, I am truly sorry. I pray God to have mercy on me. I firmly intend amendment of life, and I humbly beg forgiveness of God and his Church, and ask you for counsel, direction, and absolution.
1. …..when I forgot to thank God for all my blessings
2. …..when I didn’t obey my parents
3. ……when I didn’t ask God, what do you think I should do
4. ……when I was unkind to my friend
STEP #3: Think about the PENANCE (prayer or kind deed) that the Priest will have you do to show God that you are really sorry. It is like exercise for the soul to help it get healthy again.
Example #1: Ponder Psalm 103
I will praise the Lord. Deep down inside me, I will praise him. I will praise him, because his name is holy. 2 I will praise the Lord. I won’t forget anything he does for me.
He loves those who have respect for him. His love is as high as the heavens are above the earth.12 He has removed our sins from us. He has removed them as far as the east is from the west.
Example #2: Do something kind for your friend.
Step #4 Think about ABSOLUTION where the Priest will then extend his hands over your head and pray a very special and powerful prayer. Acting as God’s representative, he will forgive your sins.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, who has given power to his Church to absolve all sinners who truly repent and believe in him, of his great mercy forgive you all your offenses; and by his authority committed to me, I absolve you from all your sins: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
SESSION 6 VIDEOS Enjoy the Videos as a Family!
5. GOD MADE YOU FOR A MISSION: to bring His LOVE to EVERYONE you meet! Episode 1 VIDEO (see link above)
6. STRETCH with This Little Light of Mine from BLESSED MUSIC PLAYLIST:
7. Before Jesus ascended into heaven he said to the disciples: “Go out into the world and share my love and message with every person in every country.” (Matthew 28:19) He gives this same mission to you and me today. He wants us to share his love and his message with the world.
8. GO MAKE A DIFFERENCE: Episode 3 Video. Read pages 172-175. Make a difference in the world by helping someone. YOU CAN with God’s help!
9. You can also make a DIFFERENCE by PRAYING for others EVERY DAY.
10. Jesus promises to ALWAYS be with us: Matthew 28:20: “I am going now to be with my Father in heaven, but wherever you are in this world, I will always be with you at your side”, to help you carry out God’s plan for your life!
11. SHOW WHAT YOUKNOW: Page 186-187.
12. CLOSING Prayer on page 190. Jesus is your COMPASS to show you the way on your Journey into God’s Heavenly Kingdom. The communion of Saints and Angels are ALL praying for you to make the right choices every step of the way!!!
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your Name.
Your kingdom come,
your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
And forgive our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Keep us from temptation
and deliver us from evil AMEN