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Writer's picture: NCOINCOI

Our BLESSED Summer Adventure


Pages 105-135

THANK YOU for taking special time to be with our loving GOD this SUMMER!!!!

Get yourself settled in a quiet place without distractions. Take a moment to quiet yourself so you can hear and receive what God is offering you today in this Session!!!

1. BLESSED PRAYER on Page 105.

a. Make the sign of the cross: In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, AMEN

b. Read the BLESSED PRAYER slowly and ponder each word:

God our loving Father

Thank you for all the ways you bless me

Help me to be aware that every person,

place, and adventure I experience is an

opportunity to love you more

Fill me with a desire to change and to grow,

and give me the grace to become

the-best-version-of-myself in

every moment of every day. AMEN

2. PRAYER JOURNAL: spiral bound notebook with the BLESSED picture pasted on.

a. Thank God for something that you learned in Session #3

i. Look through the pictures on pages of Session #3in your workbooks

ii. Review page 98-99

iii. Write down something you want to always remember in your heart.

iv. FOR EXAMPLE: from p.93: I can always pray for the Holy Spirit to fill me with

wisdom and courage if I do not know what to do.

b. Write a question you want God to answer for you.

i. Example: Lord, how can I share your love with others today?

ii. Example: Will you please help me to pray with you every day?

3. VIDEOS: Watch Session 4 videos: Episodes 1-7

4. READ each Episode in Session 4 and enjoy the beautiful artwork on each page to inspire you to create your own pictures of what God is teaching you!

a. Episode 1: God Loves Healthy Relationships (106-107)

b. Episode 2: Forgiveness/Max and His Room (108-113)

c. Episode 3: What is a Sacrament (114-115)

d. Episode 4: What is Reconciliation (116-117)

e. Episode 5: From the Bible: Our Father/You are Blessed (118-121)

f. Episode 6: The Good Shepherd/God Will Always Love YOU (122-127)

g. Episode 7: CLOSING PRAYER: 132-135) See prayer on page 134

5. BIBLE: READING GOD’S WORD: Find Matthew 6: 9-13 in your Bible.

a. Matthew is the first book in the NEW TESTAMENT toward the end of the Bible.

b. Find the introduction page that tells you about Who wrote the book. Look at the last question: What are some of the stories in this book. Look at the third story: Jesus teaches his followers to pray: Matthew 6:9-13…..

c. Find the BIG 6 which is the Chapter number……Look for the little number 9 ….which is verse 9. Read from verse 9 to verse 13. THAT IS WHAT JESUS TAUGHT HIS DISCIPLES TO PRAY.

d. Read the prayer on p. 119 in your workbook. The words are little different but this is the most important prayer for us to learn by heart.

e. Copy this prayer in your PRAYER JOURNAL and keep it by your bedside.

i. Start your day by talking to God with this prayer.

ii. End your day by thanking God for a good day and saying the “Our Father” to stay

VERY close to God. He will be with you ALL night!

6. SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW: Complete pages 128-129 in your workbook.

(Check your answers in the black and white hand-out: ANSWERS for SESSIONS 1-6 pages 128-129)

7. PRAYER JOURNAL: Write or draw something special that God taught you in this Session #4

8. ADVANCED: Go through pages 105-135 and HIGH LIGHT what you want to remember to be the best-version-of-yourself and to share with others.

9. JOURNAL WITH JESUS on page 131 with the prompt: I know you will always love me because……..

10. CLOSING PRAYER: Read and Ponder Psalm 23 on page 134.

My Little Catechism See pages 206-237

BONUS BLESSED POINTS!!!!!! 1 point for each question and answer read and discussed with your parents and/or a Catechist from the LITTLE CATECHISM: THIS WEEK: read the question and answer for #46 in the LITTLE CATECHISM on page 212.

ADVANCED: also #90 on page 221


KEEP TRACK of your BLESSED POINTS each week.

You will share your progress, blessings, and questions with your Catechist each week by phone, Face Time or ZOOM when they call you!

WE WILL CELEBRATE how much you are learning and growing in your unique and blessed relationship with God at the END of SIX WEEKS!!!

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