PARENTS/Sponsors and Family Group Leaders:
Please share this mass preparation with your children/youth before the Sunday Mass. Review this as a reflection AFTER the Mass throughout next week. Have the children write or draw what God is teaching them in your Family Portfolio (Binder) to share the next time we meet.
St. Francis Bulletin: For ALL: Read and reflect on God's WORD on pages 4-5
Video for Luke 4: 14-30 for youth from the CHOSEN series.
Video for younger children
Find, Read, and STUDY this Story in the Catholic Children's Bible on pages 1586 and 1587:

As Apostles sent by Jesus, we can carry on his important mission and share this story with friends, family, godparents. WE CAN help others come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior.
Share the Apostolic WAY of Life with EVERYONE!
Jesus loves me
He gave his life to save me
And now he is living by my side
to teach, strengthen and free me (from sin and death.)
(Pray the SIGN OF THE CROSS. Say the OUR FATHER and one HAIL MARY)
Whisper this prayer of THANKSGIVING
Thank you, Jesus for coming to save us. Thank you for dying so that our sins are forgiven. Thank you for rising from the dead so we can live forever with you in Heaven. Help us to always love you with all our hearts and souls. AMEN
